Amar Kakirde is a new contestant on America’s longest-running quiz game show Jeopardy! His episode is set to air on 22 May 2024. When Kakirde…
Will Stewart is a contestant on America’s most popular trivia game show, Jeopardy! The Tennessee resident is gearing up for his reality show debut on…
Jonah Lipton is a Jeopardy contestant who is appearing on the 40th season of the longest-running quiz game show, Jeopardy! His episode airs on Friday,…
Jennifer Trofa is another contestant lined up to compete in the 40th season of America’s longest-running quiz game show, Jeopardy! Her episode will air on…
Isabella Dawis is one of the contestants to appear on the 40th season of the syndicated trivia gameshow, Jeopardy! She will make her debut on…
Kelcy LópezFreeman is a contestant in the 40th season of America’s longest-running quiz game show, Jeopardy! She will appear for the first time in the…
Ben Mills is a new Jeopardy contestant who will appear on the 40th season of the longest-running quiz game show. His debut episode will air…
Allison Gross is the new member of the Jeopardy! family. She is a contestant lined up to compete on America’s longest-running quiz game show on…